The Newspaper


For the launch of Metamorphic, Ros Duke’s Winter 2020 collection and campaign, we had grand plans to host a one day exhibition for customers, friends and press. The exhibition was to be local and immersive. We felt as though the images we’d created should be blown up - almost at 1:1 - life-sized so viewers could feel as though they were there on the beach at Whiterock with Ros and her collection. Sadly, for reasons we all know, 2020 has come to be the year of well-intentioned, cancelled plans; our exhibition included. 

But from the ashes of the exhibition, another idea emerged. We knew we wanted people to experience Whiterock beach — the birthplace of the Metamorphic collection and we wanted to do this in a way that felt familiar and unalienating (in the way that fashion publications can so often be). Publishing a newspaper felt like the right answer; a domestic and tactile medium that allows for affordable, recyclable, large scale printing. With Ros and I both working from home, between London and Dublin, the final version of the newspaper was arrived upon through a series of homemade miniature versions, shared over multiple Whatsapp voice notes and videos. 

Designed as a series of pull out posters, the layout allows readers to experience the collection piece by piece (on posters) or side by side (when read from front to back). 

Ciana March
Art Director

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Cherry Blossom

